Slovenia, with its very vivid landscape, is a paradise for nature lovers and also with nature connected cycling. As cycling is an ever more popular sport, not even those with young children wish to take a break from it. With some effort and compromises you can have tours that even the youngest family members would love.
Cycling with children
With many choices you get, children will also be able to get their turn. The youngest ones can enjoy the bicycle attached buggies. Slovenia has many mountain cycling paths so remote, there’s practically no traffic. All who want to be alone or fear the traffic due to buggies, can go there. The hills are especially nice in the summer heat, when you want to get refreshed and away from the stale air. For parents in a better shape I suggest cycling the macadam roads on hills. They are usually very nice for cycling and there’s no traffic jams there. And the nature is usually more preserved than along the asphalt roads. The safety, which the local people usually don’t even notice, is very appreciated by tourists. Anywhere and anytime you will have free access to nature, hills, lakes, river, etc. while in Slovenia. And everywhere is safe! That’s the key point when you’re cycling with children.
Many cycling achievements while still in diapers
Even before I became a mother I knew, that my life will not change much due to the arrival of my daughter. The comments most people made during my pregnancy that I’ll have to take it easy, gave me more strength to stay what I am. I never gave up my activities, only adjusted them to my state. When Suzi came to the world, I only took a three week pause and then we started making our joint conquests. Most babies enjoy riding in a buggy. And if it happens in clear nature, there’s nothing better for them. Thus cycling became part of our lives. We started with short tours, but they were in hills from the get goal. I don’t think riding the road with the baby trailer is safe, if there’s no cycling path. But as cycling paths around Pohorje and Kozjak are not well marked yet, that left us no choice but to use low traffic macadam roads. No problem, as I prefer them. With regular exercise I quickly regained my strength, actually I even have more, as now I’m dragging the trailer behind me. And Suzi is growing in size and weight too. Today she’s 11 months old and has many cycling tours behind her. All of it has a good effect on her, as he usually falls asleep in the trailer and on top of the mountain we have a break, where we play and eat.
Pohorje and Kozjak are idle places for cycling with kids
Both mountains have many scenic roads great for cycling. Most of them don’t have asphalt but that’s no problem for mountainbikes. The remote parts with no crowds and mostly unspoiled nature, peace and quiet, are perfect settings for cycling with kids. Especially in summer, when cities get hot and you can find shade and freshness under the trees. There are many roads on Pohorje and Kozjak that aren’t marked and lead to many remote farms, mostly they are interconnected and thus you can make complete tours. There’s no mass tourism here and that’s the reason why you can escape to nature here. Escape into dreams, into moments among forests with nothing but the sounds of creeks and leaves with birds singing above you. And the laughter of my daughter in the baby trailer.
Every parent is convinces, everything they do is the best for their child. I’m convinced I’m offering the most I can to my daughter, by spending time with here in nature in fresh air during cycling and hiking tours, and mostly during our breaks when we play.