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Adrenaline adventures in Zasavje


Zasavje is the smallest region in the center of Slovenia, which is known by its hills and the Sava river, which flows past three Zasavje's towns – Zagorje, Trbovlje and Hrastnik. These towns are known for its mining heritage, offering many exciting tours such as mining museum, ethnological path, Museum of Zasavje, walking on opencast mining. Visitors can also have an adventurous walk underground – in the mine Trbovlje-Hrastnik, where you can meet local dwarf Perkmandeljc and drive around with mine carts. Also you can get a big doze of adrenaline while rafting on Sava River from Zagorje to Hrastnik, rock climbing, horse riding, skydiving from the famous Zasavje hills and the airsoft – tactical game in the woods.

Visit active coalmine
Visit active mine of brown coal in Hrastnik, where you can experience hard work of miners deep underground. In a mine we can see operations of excavation of coal. After that we drive few kilometers with the mine carts and suspended locomotive. On the end we can see a statue of St. Barbara, which is a protector of miners and a nice video of 200 year anniversary of mining.

Dwarfs path trough mine
The tour begins with a visit in office building of mine Trbovlje – Hrastnik, where visitors get miners’ equipment. We enter Sava river mine and walk to the compressor station. Along the way we meet a dwarf Perkmandeljc, who gives us a snack. On the second part we sit on suspended locomotive, from where we can watch stalactites and underground water.  On the end we can see a statue of St. Barbara, which is a protector of miners and a nice video of 200 year anniversary of mining.

Rafting on Sava
Rafting on river Sava- from Zagorje to Hrastnik offers many adventures, which many people don’t know they exist right here in Zasavje.
In Zagorje, where we begin our adventure, we meet Sava river Pirates, and then sit on the raft on the peaceful and quiet Sava. Soon we arrive to a part with wild rapids at Prusnik, where a long time ago here was a boating station. While rafting towards Trbovlje, we can already see a huge power plant chimney, which is 360 meters high and it is still the largest in the world. After we pass power plant we can stop at one of the Sava river beaches, where you can observe thousands of fish or just having a blast with jumping into the water. Before our ride ends at Hrastnik, we can also see the remains of the boatmen at the shore. 

Test yourself in the woods in a military action and make your team a winner. Challenges for the team are adapted to both sexes and all ages and physical capabilities. There is also a scenario made for during the night by setting tents.

Riding a horse
Zasavje is a hilly region, but behind those hills there is a large plane area, where you can have a carefree horse riding, experienced riders are also able to go free riding in a quiet area not far from town, or you can just enjoy the nature. 

Skydiving from hill Mrzlica
Experience a bird’s-eye view of Zasavje and jump with parachute from the region famous hill. Experience Zasavje from the air which you will never forget.

Rock climbing
You can experience many natural climbing walls in Zasavje, suitable for experienced and less experienced climbers. Achieve the top of the wall with instructors and admire Zasavje hills.

Youth Hostel Trbovlje
For gathering strengths for your adventure challenges spend the night in a Youth hostel Trbovlje, where you can hire a double room, apartma or dormitory and for an extra charge we can serve you with a tasty breakfast. During the day you can also enjoy a drink in our Cafeteria or you can ask for a free map to explore a town by yourself on foot or bike. Youth center and hostel Trbovlje was built in 2011 in the center of town, so it is close to many interesting buildings and points. According to your taste and wishes we also make a travel package, that you experience Zasavje region as much as possible.

For more information you can reach us by phone on (+386) 356 12 885 or e-mail us on .

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