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A Slightly Different Honeymoon

Many people think of paradise beaches in large tourist complexes on the coasts of Mexico, Thailand or the Maldives when mentioning a honeymoon. We're not among them. Have you ever thought that a honeymoon could be completely different?


"So, we should just go, just like that?" he asked.

“When, if not now?” I encouraged him.

We smiled at each other enthusiastically and confirmed the purchase of our airline tickets. One-way tickets, to be precise. At that moment, we decided to spend the money saved over the years to pursue our dreams – and set out on a long journey around the world. We were aware that our honeymoon would be anything but classic – instead of the third beachside cocktail and Thai massage, we would probably sleep in simple hostels (by the way, you can find good deals on Hostelling International), closely monitor our daily budget and sometimes walk ridiculously far with our heavy backpacks. And we knew that because of that, sometimes instead of staring at each other with the look full of love as it is usual for honeymooners, we will only look at each other with a frown, which unmistakably says "I’m so fed up with you right now".

So last year, at the beginning of November, two months after our wedding, we took a direct flight to Cuba, which was our first stop. Perhaps the most similar to a wedding destination, but we will remember it after the long evenings, spent in the rocking chairs on the terraces of the locals, talking about living in this country. Knowledge of Spanish in Latin America comes in handy – not just for easier communication, but for genuine contact with the locals, which for sure you will remember always when you browse through memories later in life.

And if we were finding our way among many ruins in Mexico, jumping into natural pools and falling in love with diving, in Guatemala we were admiring the mighty volcanoes. It is difficult to put into words that feeling when you see an active volcano, with lava flooding down its side, for the first time in your life. Ahh, something that even in a thousand words I wouldn't be able to describe. We were fascinated by the kindness of the people and the beautiful scenery, and visits to local markets were our favourite morning activity (if possible, we always buy food there, as it is tasty, cheaper, and we know where the money goes). As we made our way across El Salvador to Nicaragua, the rising heat reminded us that it would be nice to spend some time in a colder climate from time to time as well.


And, surely enough, it wasn't long before we felt cold, as we headed much further south – to Patagonia. This time with our own van, which gave us true freedom in exploring this vast continent. High peaks, vibrant blue lakes, huge glaciers and seemingly endless steppes did a great impression on us. And although Chile and Argentina are famous for good wine, craft beers in Patagonia were often an evening treat as well. A delicious dessert, one could say.

After returning to Santiago, we flew to the mysterious Easter Island, which was somewhere near the top of our bucket list. And with a reason! The culture, history and beauty of the island left us speechless, and for the first time in my life, I was so touched by a place on our Earth, that I felt the tears welling up.

Today, seven months later, we're still on the road. No, we're not going home yet. We’re quite tired at times, we sometimes go without shower for days, are slightly fed up with pasta and at times with a sore back due to spending many hours in a van. Yet, in these few months alone, we have experienced so much and gathered so many invaluable memories that will last for a lifetime. To change all this with a few weeks in an all-inclusive five-star hotel? Oh, no thank you, we prefer a “million-star hotel” in the middle of nowhere!

And despite the occasional frowns here and there, being together 24/7 is extremely easy. It connects us. And after all, that's what the honeymoon is all about, isn't it?

P.S. If you are interested in our adventures and travel tips, you can find them on the BlueMarble Vagabonds blog, Facebook, Instagram & YouTube channel.

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