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Volunteer Pia's Story

From Savinja Valley to the Wide World

Pia is a 25 year old girl from the Savinja Valley, who devoted her life to exploring the world. She began to travel as a little girl, and later she devoted her studies to tourism. Today, she is a master's student in the Netherlands and she is still discovering new secrets of the world each year.


Tell me and all our readers about yourself. How did you become what you are today and what excites you?

My name is Pia Strahovnik, I'm 25 years old and I come from Celje. Fortunately, I was born to parents who are travellers by heart and I started to discover the world outside the small village where I spent my childhood very soon. After my high school studies in Celje I decided to study tourism in Primorska region and then I moved to Ljubljana. In addition to working in the hostels, I began to volunteer and I took many opportunities that volunteering enabled to me. In addition to spontaneous trips and excursions, I like to experiment with cuisine of different cultures, contemporary dance and I love learning foreign languages. I already speak 5 languages, English, Spanish, Italian, Slovene, a little Russian, Portuguese and a little German. I am currently enrolled in a study programme of sustainable tourism in the Netherlands.

Why did you decide to take a master's degree so far away from home? What was missing in the tourism programmes at home? 

After completing undergraduate studies, I needed a few years of discovering myself and something that really excites me, completes me and to see what I could accomplish and apply in my master's studies.

One of these decisions was to focus on sustainable tourism, which is currently in full swing and as a busy employee in a sustainable tourist facility, I have witnessed many opportunities that this new young form of tourism offers. Unfortunately, Slovenia currently doesn't have a high-quality post-graduate studies that would focus on sustainable development in tourism.

As a traveller who is hungry for knowledge, I found a wonderful opportunity to study in the Netherlands. I found out about the programme in the summer school in Switzerland, where we were learning about climate change. I quickly applied and was accepted at Wageningen University, located in the east of the Netherlands, which specializes in natural sciences and is one of the best in Europe. Students come here to study from as many as 150 countries.

Are the studies more complex? How is the curriculum executed? Do you have many opportunities to discover practices of sustainable tourism around the world?

Studies are comparatively demanding with the high quality of the university and are aimed at the sustainable, ecological development of nature, society and economy. To be honest, the conditions and level of knowledge I acquire here are incomparable with the level in Slovenia. My study combines both science and social science. Much emphasis is placed on anthropological research and applied methodologies. My program allows me to carry out ethnographic research for master's work in Asia and then a compulsory half-year practice in South America. The options are also limitless for obtaining financial resources. I also have a scholarship. Even the attitude and interaction with the professors is different, we are respected as academics and, consequently, we encourage each other and make new scientific discoveries together. The learning material is very topical, modern and above all tangible. As students, we have the ability to write articles, which can also be published, which is great for the curriculum vitae. Together we carry out activities and projects for companies outside the university, which is a wonderful introduction for the "reality" which is waiting for us after we complete our studies.

What about all your travels? Where have you been and what are the plans for the future?

Just this summer, during a trip to Malta, I wrote a list of countries that I had already visited. Currently there are 28, which surprised me. I set my goal to visit at least two new countries each year. Mostly I travelled across Europe, especially in the southern part. I visited Spain, Greece and Italy. 
I also stayed in Valencia, which was the most beautiful summer experience for me. I got this opportunity because I am a volunteer at Hostelling International Slovenia.

I heard that you also participated in many projects. Please tell me more about this.

Through HI Slovenia and other organizations where I was a volunteer, I attended four projects. I wish there were more, but my time is a bit limited at the moment. The first project was in Bovec, Slovenia, where we learned about applications for projects for Erasmus+ Youth in Action and the possibility of financing by the European Union for its implementation. Then I was in Denmark and Macedonia, both projects focused on the active involvement of young people from socially vulnerable groups. All three projects gave me invaluable acquaintances, experience and knowledge. I have also successfully completed a demanding summer school or StartUp project in Switzerland and Italy, where we have created ideas for tackling climate change.

Since you have been a loyal volunteer for many years, I would like to know where did you find out about Hostelling International Slovenia? And what are you doing as a volunteer?

I found out about HI Slovenia by coincidence, through the Slovenian Philanthropy. As soon as I decided to actively volunteer, I saw activities that HI Slovenia performed and enthusiastically contacted Anja for the opportunity to join the team of wonderful people.

As a volunteer I am active at events and fairs for young people, where HI Slovenia performs many motivational games and opportunities for connecting young people who want to travel and volunteer. With my friend, volunteer Bojana, we carried out a travelogue about our project experiences. I wrote an article about my work experience in Valencia, which was an opportunity, enabled by the programme Exchange REAJ. I am looking forward to new activities in the future.

What did you learn in the HI Connect exchange? 

I learned a lot about myself and reached the level in which I realized what really makes me happy. It's working with people, working for the benefit of nature and society and working on myself. I have joined all this and found in my study programme, and I hope that this will also be the basis for my further career, regardless of the place, the country or the continent on which I will pave my way of life. Volunteering opened my eyes and offered me a hand in the world.

What do you like about volunteering at Hostelling International? Would you recommend it to the others? 

I definitely recommend it to anyone, always and anywhere. I like international networking, flexibility and, most importantly, gratitude and respect, expressed by all involved in any activity that Hostelling International enables. As soon as I met Anja and other volunteers, I knew that I joined a wonderful team with a unique mission and a goal, oriented in us, the youth. We are all accepted, regardless of the environment from which we come from, experience and thinking.

Do you have any advice for our readers? 

Become a volunteer at Hostelling International Slovenia, as your will get a lot from this experience. Think carefully about what you want in life and live your lives to achieve your goals.

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