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Helping children with fewer opportunities as part of the international 'Say HI! for Peace' campaign

Hostelling International and Hostelling International Slovenia are starting an international 'Say HI! for Peace' campaign, focused on promoting a culture of peace.

Hostelling International (HI) and Hostelling International Slovenia (PZS) have launched this year's 'Say HI! for Peace' campaign, which will run throughout September. The campaign aims to promote peace, unity, and understanding through travel and cultural exchange, in line with this year’s World Peace Day theme, 'Fostering a Culture of Peace,' which highlights the importance of action and sustained commitment to peace.

The 'Say HI! for Peace' campaign was created by HI USA in 2013 in response to the Boston Marathon bombing. It was designed to engage travellers, communities, and hostels in activities and events that promote peaceful interaction and intercultural understanding, with the message that travel can prevent conflict and contribute to world peace.

The campaign, then known as 'Sleep for Peace', was recognised as an example of good practice at the 22nd General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). "Every time we travel, we break down stereotypes and dispel concerns, paving the way for dialogue, mutual understanding, and tolerance. These are the cornerstones of a culture of peace and security," said Mr. Taleb Rifai, the UNWTO Secretary-General at the time.

This year’s campaign will have many events and activities, including peace workshops, art shows, charity fundraisers, a music playlist for peace, and community projects in HI hostels in over 30 countries. The main event will be an attempt to set a world record for the longest breadstick at the Hostelling International conference in Berlin this September. This will symbolise intercultural cooperation and will bring people together.
The 'Say HI! for Peace' campaign reflects the mission of Hostelling International and Hostelling International Slovenia, which is to connect people from different backgrounds and encourage respect and dialogue through travel. With this campaign, we want to inspire travellers to explore the world with open minds and hearts and to see diversity as something special.

The UN’s theme for this year's World Day of Peace, 'Cultivating a Culture of Peace,' highlights the need to create an environment where peace can grow through education, social unity, and respect for different cultures. At Hostelling International and Hostelling International Slovenia we support this theme with our campaign, encouraging travellers to join in various exchanges that break down barriers and build understanding.

"We believe that every journey is a chance to make connections and promote mutual understanding. Our 'Say HI! for Peace' campaign reminds us that by embracing diversity and having meaningful conversations, we can help create a more peaceful and connected world. This year's campaign supports the UN's call for cultivating a culture of peace and shows our ongoing commitment to making the world a better place," wrote Brianda Lopez, CEO of Hostelling International.

"Here at Hostelling International Slovenia, we are aware that holidays and travel are not accessible to everyone. That is why for many years now we have been donating more than half of the funds raised from the 1% income tax to children with fewer opportunities for a holiday at the Youth and Health Resort in Debeli Rtič. You can find out more about this on our website. This year, we have additionally decided to allocate all the funds raised from the HI Travel Cards during the 'Say HI! for Peace' campaign from 1 to 30 September, for the same purpose. This will give even more children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds a holiday in Debeli Rtič during their autumn break," wrote Igor Jurišič, President of Hostelling International Slovenia.