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Female travel safety

Tips for staying safe as a solo female traveller

The popularity of solo female travellers is growing and among them you can find students as well as mothers, aunts, sisters, and grandmothers. Women today are economically more independent than ever before and, furthermore, many destinations are becoming friendlier to ladies. However, you still need to be aware that not every road is a bed of roses and women’s rights aren’t the same in every culture. That's why it is important that you go on the road prepared.


Do research on your chosen destination before travelling

Even though positive changes are happening on gender equality, you still need to be aware that women in some cultures don’t have as much freedom as men do. Take your time for research, read several different sources, and be critical and curious. Don’t travel alone if you learn that women at the chosen destination are exposed to various dangerous situations. It’s also good to familiarise with the local traditions and habits because you, as a visitor, are obliged to respect them.

Make sure you find the right transit service from the airport or station to your accommodation

Many low-cost flights and other transit services operate in the night time. That is why it is important to make sure you arrive at your hostel safely. Public transportation might turn out to be more complicated during the night rather than during the day. It is also good to do some research on taxi prices and the credibility and reputation of taxi services. Don't enter a taxi without first asking for the price or if you have a bad feeling about the taxi service. Many hostels provide directions on their websites or in their welcome e-mails. Don't be afraid to contact the hostel and ask for help or advice on how to get there. If the instructions aren’t clear or are inadequate, then it’s better to ask for more detailed instructions than to get lost in an unknown city. The hostel employees are travellers, too, so they understand how uncomfortable it can be when you find yourself completely alone in a foreign city.

Book the right accommodation

Even though spontaneity can often be a fun element of travelling, it is still better to collect as much information about the accommodation as you can before booking it – be it months in advance or just a few hours ahead. It is necessary to give appropriate attention to your accommodation since it is a big part of your trip, not only when it comes to sleeping but also when it comes to safety. Read the accommodation’s reviews, check its ratings, activities and what it offers its guests. Nowadays we don't need to book a private room anymore to feel safe as solo female travellers. More and more hostels offer female dorms and, in some places, you can even find female-only hostels.

It is fine to be a bit careful when meeting new people

I personally believe it's good to give every individual a chance and listen to what they have to say. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to go beyond your limits. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, you don’t need to continue a conversation or stay in their company. It is hard when people with bad intentions are convincingly friendly. But completely isolating yourself from new people isn’t really a solution. The more people you meet the better you'll be at judging people’s characters and listening to your own intuition. Interaction isn’t only a process of making new friends, but also a way to improve your communication and perceptive abilities.

Stay away from solitary places

Don’t walk in a dark alley alone, instead, walk where there are at least a few people around. Also avoid stopping for conversations with strangers that make you feel uncomfortable. Even though we are brave as solo travellers and we know how to stand up for ourselves, it is still better to be cautious in situations like this. If someone starts following you, try to avoid them by finding a crowded place. In case everything goes so far that the intruder approaches you aggressively and self-defence isn’t enough, then you'll at least have a chance to find help in a crowd of people.

Pay attention to your drink when in public

It would be irresponsible not to mention the risk of consuming alcoholic as well as non-alcoholic drinks. I am sure you have already heard of cases where someone slipped a drug into a drink with the intention of sexually or otherwise abusing a woman. Therefore, always keep an eye on your drink and be careful who you accept drinks from – when in a bar or a club, it’s best if the drink is prepared or opened in front of you. Also be careful of how much alcohol you consume, since it makes you even more vulnerable. Besides, the less alcohol you drink the more energy you have for discovering beautiful places.

Stay in touch with your family and friends back home

Sure, it’s great when you can disconnect yourself from technology, but you should also stay in touch with someone you trust back at home – be it your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, or a friend. Tell them where you are, send them your accommodation addresses and share some interesting stories from your trip. This way you won’t just take care of your own safety but will also make your dear ones happy.

Even though the world is sometimes unfair, don't let that stop you from travelling. It’s understandable that you’re sometimes afraid of solitary places, dark alleys and complete strangers, however, don’t forget that all this can be found back at home as well. The important thing is that you constantly improve your judgment, keep a healthy amount of carefulness and are at least partly prepared for your trip.

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