Porto Alegre is one of the most important cities in Brazil, being the capital of the state Rio Grande do Sul, a very traditional region with a unique culture. Porto Alegre has a rich history and is strategically located, in a way that it is easy to visit other states in Mercosul. Here you can experience the traditional “Gaúcha culture”, with its music, culinary, dances, dressing, way of speaking and much more!
In the city there is also a Tourism Line that passes through the main tourist attractions and can make your tour much easier. The nightlife here is intense too so get ready to enjoy a great variety of entertainment during your stay here. From Porto Alegre, it is also great to travel into the rest of the state!
Porto Alegre Hostel Boutique is the first Hostelling International Boutique Hostel in Brazil! The combination of a unique architectural design housed in a historic mansion and the concept "cheap and chic", defines the hostel’s identity. Offering excellent lodging in all accommodations, the owners also incorporated their experiences into the environment, with souvenirs and memories of their trips, giving the hostel a unique atmosphere. The hostel also has elements that are a tribute to Porto Alegre and its culture. It has its own space for collections that identify cultural and touristic regions of the Rio Grande do Sul state.
The breakfast room was reorganized into a pleasant bar-bistro and coffee shop in the afternoon and night. This Bistro is an ideal space to share experiences between guests and people from the city itself, always with lots of music and clips of international and Brazilian musicians, and they serve local food. Among many of its services, the hostel will offer a free guided tour through the neighbourhood in the morning and in the afternoon a tour through Porto Alegre History Centre.
Rua São Carlos, 545, Porto Alegre/RS