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Travelling During the Coronavirus Pandemic

How to explore the world given the current situation

The most used word in 2020 is probably »Corona«. And I don't mean the beer. This famous virus, which reached Europe sometime in February and spread around pretty quickly, affected the travel plans of all globetrotters for the foreseeable future. No one knows when it’s going to be like it was before, but I still think that we're able to discover the world, we'll just have to adjust our travel plans and follow the recommended safety measures.


Should I stay in my country or travel abroad?

This is a very popular question right now. After all the borders had been closed for quite some time (we couldn’t go to Slovenia for more than two months), we all felt a bit trapped, didn't we? After the borders reopened, new possibilities for discovering opened up for all of us. We all probably don't know our surroundings and our home country well enough. Let's use this time now for rediscovering our country and at the same time we can also explore the neighbouring countries, as long as we follow the recommended safety measures. But be prepared – the situation changes daily, so go just as far from home (or from the country border) so as to be able to come back home without any help.

Airplane or car?

When was the last time you saw an airplane up in the sky? The aviation industry is in the red and although some routes are open again, many still fear flying right now. Not so much because of the virus, but because it is possible to get stuck somewhere. On the other hand, however – the aviation industry desperately needs passengers. So, what to do? If you're planning on flying, choose destinations which are considered safe by your government and where the epidemiological situation hasn't changed a lot recently. Also check if you are allowed to enter the desired country without having to quarantine yourself and under which conditions you are allowed to enter.

The car is a great option this year. You don't have to squeeze your baggage in a 10–20kg suitcase, you can stop wherever you want and change your plans as many times as you want. But this mode of transport will also require you to check which documents you'll need for border crossings.

Dreaming about the tropics?

So do I. I would love to fly to Thailand for a spicy papaya salad, go diving in Indonesia, go on a road trip around US national parks or hike through the mountains in Patagonia. Unfortunately, though, this is not possible right now. Instead of being grumpy because we can't do all this, let's focus on what we can and not waste our time with negative thoughts. Go through your old photos and travel in memory or start planning your next big adventure, and you'll have plenty of time to look forward to it.

Nature or cities?

Everyone is different and that is ok. Some people enjoy nature while others prefer cities. And no one has to change this because of the virus. If you're planning a city trip, be prepared for a body temperature check before entering museums and in keep in mind that in closed exhibition rooms and galleries only a limited number of visitors is allowed. Take safety precautions on public transport. Visiting a city is always best around sunrise and at this time you're unlikely to meet a lot of people. People who prefer nature will always find a quiet place just for themselves. If you're planning on visiting a popular nature landmark, again, do it as early as possible to avoid crowds.

Unfortunately, no one can tell us for sure when we'll be able to travel like we used to until March 2020. But there are still plenty of possibilities for discovering new places where everyone can find something that will catch their interest. Masks and disinfectants will stick around for some time, I guess, which is why you should not complain about them, but rather take them as what they are – daily objects.

So, be brave, discover your country and its neighbours, and if you can't do without, travel by plane. But remember: go just as far as to be able to come back home if necessary.

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