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The best Youth Hostel in the World


International Youth Hostling Association announced the list of Best Youth Hostels in the World.

Youth Hostel Baan DinsoOn the annual meeting of directors held in Amsterdam, Hostelling International gave awards for the best Youth Hostles in the World.

The criterion was the marks given by visitors (via the web application). The users grade the hostels in percentage (0% for the worst, and 100% for the best) for separate categories: friendliness, cleanliness, efficiency, location, comfort and safety.

Youth Hostel GrinevaldAfter adding up all the marks, the best rated hostel in the world is Baan Dinso in Bangkok (Thailand), with the average mark of 97%, the friendliest is the Tonsberg (Norway) with 100% ratings for friendliness, Youth Hostel Utano (Kyoto – Japan) is the most comfortable 94%, the most efficient is in Eastham (USA) 99% and the cleanest is in Grinevald (Switzerland) with a grade of 96%.

The same principal was used for judging the hostels in Slovenia and we take great pride in fact, that our PZS hostels got marks only slightly below the world’s best.

Youth Hostel BrkiniOut of 33 Slovenian Youth Hostels that are available to users (through the website ) and can be graded online – one third (11 Youth Hostels) got the average mark of 80% and the best mark got the Youth Hostel  »Brkini« in Brce pri Ilirski Bistrici (95%), followed by Youth Hostel »Pod skalo« in Kamnik (94%), Youth Hostel in Ljubno ob Savinji (90%), Youth Hostel »Alibi M14« from Ljubljana (89%), Youth Hostel »Bledec« at Bled and Youth Hostel »Park« in Ljubljani (87% for each of them), Youth Hostel Portorož (84%) and Youth Hostel »Uni« in Maribor and Youth Hostel »Ciril« in Podčetrtek (each got 83%).

Youth Hostel BledecIn separate categories, again, our hostels rank high up there with the best in the world. Our friendliest hostel has even got the same remarkable 100% in the friendliness category, the same as the Tonsberg hostel, but YH »Brkini« in Brce pri Ilirski Bistrici, hasn’t been given the world award due to its smallness and a low number of visitors. The cleanest Slovenian hostel is Youth Hostel »Bledec« at Bled, with a mark of 92%, which is only 4% less then the cleanest hostel world wide.

PZS is thus proud to have a network of such exampletory hostels, that offer comfort, cleanliness and safe bedding at affordable prices, to young travellers who wish to discover Slovenia.

Hostelling International Slovenia

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